Spread the cost of
your treatment

UK's largest, ethical, caring, responsible lender, in healthcare!

Pay monthly for
your treatment

Let us put you back in
control of your health

UK's largest, ethical, caring, responsible lender, in healthcare!

With over 10,000 clinicians,
why wait!

Largest provider of healthcare finance

Chrysalis Patient Promise

All Loans are Protected by the Chrysalis Patient Promise.

Who are Chrysalis?

Chrysalis Finance are the UK’s largest ethical, caring, and responsible lender in healthcare. We want our patients to get the healthcare treatment they need.

Our payment options are tailored around our patients, and help them find the right pay monthly options for them.

Our customer service team are always here to support you if you have any questions. Want to know more?

Chrysalis Finance

Trusted Partners

Patient Care Awards

The Chrysalis Patient Care Awards is our chance to recognise our amazing and talented clinical partners who deliver a world-class service.