Feel Empowered to be a Healthy Working Woman
How women can thrive in the workplace while prioritising their health?
Over the past few decades, women have made significant strides in the workplace, with more opportunities than ever before. While there are still challenges and barriers that women face, the overall outcome is positive and empowering. Showing a real shift in how women are seen in the workplace.
But does modern and busy living cause our health to suffer?
Women trying to balance a career and a family can be a huge struggle. Modern living can mean busy living. Girl power can sometimes feel like it’s impossible.
Life can be full of making money, fulfilling professional and personal ambitions, raising a family, keeping in touch with friends, running a home, and sometimes maybe even relaxing.
This can cause some women to not maintain a healthy lifestyle due to lack of time and prioritising others’ wellbeing above their own. Prioritising your health is not only important for a woman but can also improve your productivity and success in your life.
Empowering women in the workplace
One of the most significant changes in the last few years has been the increasing number of women in leadership positions. Women are now more likely to be CEOs, board members, and high-level executives in companies across industries. This has been driven in part by a growing recognition of the benefits of diversity and inclusivity in the workplace, as well as efforts to promote gender equality through policy and advocacy.
Another important development for women in the workplace has been the rise of flexible work arrangements, which allow women to balance their work and personal responsibilities more realistically.
At chrysalis, we are proud to embrace equal opportunities and diversity, with three out of five departments being run by strong women. We have women thriving in tech, which is known to be a male-dominated role. Alongside this, multitasking is fabulous mums!
As a woman in my early 20s it can feel overwhelming trying to balance a variety of challenges, career, having a social, and family life, and keeping healthy. It can be a struggle to find the right career path, but I feel that I am seeing more and more opportunities and support for women.
Here are some of my top tips and advice if you want to THRIVE in your workplace.
1) Prioritise yourself! Your physical and mental health and maintain a healthy work-life balance. This can help prevent burnout and ensure long-term success in your career.
2) Set goals and work towards them: Identify your career goals and create a plan to achieve them. Set small, achievable milestones along the way to measure your progress.
3) Confidence and communication: Speak up, express your opinions and ideas, and ask for feedback. Effective communication is key to building strong relationships with colleagues and advancing your career.
4) Network: build a strong network that can provide valuable support, advice, and opportunities.
5) Keep on top of trends in your industry, take on new projects, and seek out new ways to learn and as many opportunities as you can.
6) Be your own biggest supporter and know your worth. Don’t be afraid to negotiate for fair pay and benefits, speak up if you feel you’re being treated unfairly, and take credit for your work.
7) Women stick together: Lift up and support other women in your workplace and industry. Mentor, sponsor, and advocate for other women, and work towards creating a more equitable and inclusive workplace.
8) Be kind to yourself, women feel more pressure in today’s fast-paced world.
9) Take time to breathe, celebrate the wins, and enjoy the moment.
10) Fight for your rights, too many women don’t have the same rights as men across the world, keep the fight alive!

Overall, there is no doubt that women have more opportunities in the workplace today than they did in the past.
While there is still work to be done to ensure that women have equal access to all career paths and opportunities, the trend is one of progress and empowerment. As we continue to promote diversity and inclusivity in the workplace, we can expect to see even more positive changes in the years to come. Women’s equality is linked to better overall health and a better society.
Healthier women for today for a better tomorrow. We think it is so important for women to focus on their health personal and mental and the health of loved ones. Part of womanhood is lifting others up, with support, community, and encouragement. Make health an open and easy conversation ith friends and family and share tips, get a gym buddy, set goals, and keep healthy! These mall changes will result in a happiness and health boost.
Remember, to trust the process! Your career is a journey and it’s important to be patient, persistent, and proactive in achieving your goals!
By Emily Rees
Friday- 9:00am – 5:30pm
Saturday- 10:00am – 2:00pm